Water dispensers bring mainly the convenience of filtered or treated water to people at the ideal temperature for different usage. Everyone is now well aware of the need to drink sufficient water everyday in order to hydrate your body and keep healthy, and an automatic water dispenser which filters and chills drinking water, whichever type you choose to use, provides the perfect solution. Whether it’s simply providing cold drinking water on a hot day or hot water for making coffee or tea, the fact that it is always there ready and does not require any preparation is a big plus for busy people on the go.

There are a variety of water dispensers available on the market today to suit most needs. Whether you need it for a small or large office, a temporary location, or permanent installation for hundreds of people you can find a water dispenser to do the job. Here is a description of some of the most popular types.

Bottle-less Water Dispenser:

With this type of dispenser there is no need to organize a constant supply of bottled water for the dispenser. The dispenser uses a built in filtration process which produces clean, crisply-fresh drinking water straight from your normal tap water, in the case of direct pipe-in ones. It also typically incorporates a heating element to heat water for making coffee or tea.

There are two models which are in common use: the floor-standing tower type usually seen in offices and the counter-top mounted or non-mounted versions which are more common in the home or where the demand is not high or when it is more convenient to put in on the pantry cupboard.

Many models come with useful safety features such as child-proof taps to avoid children getting scalded by hot water and also an automatic shut-off for the water heater when the water is hot enough or when there is no water in the chamber to heat.

This type of dispenser needs to be connected directly to the water supply or be connected to a tank or container if no direct piping can be done. You will also need to provide cups to dispense the water.

Bottled Water Dispenser:

This type of dispenser simply chills or heats the bottled water which supplies it. This means it is important to make sure you have a constant supply or storage of bottled water to feed the dispenser with.

Bottled water dispensers come as floor-standing or counter-top models commonly. Many of them will include useful safety features such as child-proof taps and automatic shut-off for hot water when the water has reached the correct temperature or there is no water in the heating chamber.

This type of dispenser can be located anywhere. You will need to provide cups to dispense the water.

Water Fountains:

A water fountain is particularly practical for dealing with medium to high levels of demand for filtered and chilled drinking water. It is a popular choice for outdoor, offices, cafeterias and public buildings because once it is installed it does not require any further attention.

The fountain is normally connected directly to the water supply and typically filters and chills the water before dispensing it.

This type of water dispenser does not provide hot water. There is no need for bottles or cups to be supplied.

More articles about water dispensers:
Water Dispenser Choice – Singapore