Our Core Values
At Quantum Impact, we are governed by our core vales in our decision making, define what we stand for and gives us an authentic identity.

We believe that moral ethics can govern us in the right decisions and genuine relationships with people.

Respect for the mother earth
There was a time when we took only what we needed, now is not the case. Only with respect to our mother earth can we leave our next generations a chance to live. We believe the small difference we make can go a long way.

Value creation
We believe in value creation to our customers and work on continuous improvement in the value we can provide.

Love for our fellow mankind.

Energy is everything. Only in being passionate can we have the right energy to excel in what we do and build a great team.

Our Commitment to help
HappyPenguinTM is commited to donate 1% of all sales proceeds* to charity: water. So that means when you purchase a product of $100 from us, $1 goes to helping people get clean & safe drinking water.

*Excludes installation charges 

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