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Award winning water.
No.1* share in Japanese Natural water dispenser

Chosen by 10K users

*Water Dispenser in Japan Researched by Japan Marketing Research Organization Competitor Survey on Water Dispenser in Japan, July 8, 2020

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Natural Goodness

Mt Fuji Japan Spring Water

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Why Mt Fuji Premium Water?

Sourced from Mount Fuji
Mt. Fuji is a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for the pure spring water that comes from its snow-capped peak.
The water extracted from the Fuji Yoshida spring has percolated about 200m underground for over **60 years, flowing over volcanic rock. The water is naturally filtered and purified as it passes over and through these geological formations, picking up minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, as well as traces of vanadium and zinc—all which support everyday health requirements.

**Survey by GEO Science Laboratory, July 2019

Taste is Big deal. Keeping hydrated is crucial to our daily health and well-being.
However, many people don’t drink enough water because they don’t like the flavor of tap water—it may taste like chemicals or other unpleasant taste due to the source, city pipes or tap faucets.

The delicious, award-winning taste of Premium Water reflects its pure source, natural mineral components, soft alkalinity, and high levels of dissolved oxygen.

The water sourced from the Fuji Yoshida spring contains 8.2 mg/L of dissolved oxygen, which results in a premium taste and crispness. (Tap water varies generally from 4 mg—7 mg/L.)

Because we use a unique four-step filtration, a non-heat-treating process, unlike many other mineral waters, our water retains its natural taste and health benefits. While non-heat treated water is difficult to process to undertake, Premium Water is committed to the process for the goal of pure, natural mild alkaline water.

The premium taste of Premium Water has been recognised by the world’s professional’s on food and drink taste standards for the last eight years.

Premium Water contain nutrients for everyday health—in particular, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Whereas many other mineral waters are heat treated, and then require minerals to be reintroduced, Premium Water uses a unique non-heat four-step filtration to preserve the mineral balance.

In addition to the four main minerals contained in water from Mt. Fuji, the nutrients Vanadium and Zinc are also present.

The pH scale measures the alkalinity-acidity levels of water, where “soft water” is more alkaline and “hard water” is more acidic. This reading is based on the pH scale – pH 0 is the most acidic, pH 7 is neutral, pH 14 is the most alkaline. Alkaline water has higher pH levels, meaning that it helps to neutralize excess acid that may be produced in the stomach due to factors such as stress and diet. The average pH range of tap or bottled water is 6.7 to 7.4 pH, whereas Premium Water has a pH of 8.3

The production line is completely automated, ensuring that conditions are clean and sterile.
Water is examined hourly based on strict standards of quality including using physical microbial & chemical examination.

Premium Water goes beyond required public safety standards, conducting quality inspections more than 10 times a day. Every 60 minutes, Premium Water checks for changes in water conditions by examining microorganisms and sampling the water. By inspecting the filtered product water, it is guaranteed that it conforms to the strict standards. Premium Water’s goal is to bring you crystal-clean, 100% natural drinking water.

How is the water brought to Singapore?
From the point of extraction at Fujiyoshida City near Mt. Fuji, Premium Water is handled, tested, quality-assured, and delivered to Singapore from Japan through a controlled process. Essential parts of this process include state-of-the-art equipment and an automated workflow. Premium Water bottles its high quality, mineral-rich water in a sterile room, using its unique four-step filtration process, to ensure the cleanest, safest drinking water.

About Water Dispenser

Stylish, Simple, Functional.
Enjoy a piece of lifestyle Designer water dispenser. $0 now. Place it anywhere at home or office! Non piped-in means you can place it anywhere, in the dinning, living room, study or kitchen, wherever you fancy, so long as there is power point.

Convenience isn’t a luxury. It’s a need today!
Hot & Cold chilled water, anytime. Make your favourite beverages anytime of the day!

Just buy the water,
Rental of dispenser is on us!
($200 deposit applies)


Choose a dispenser to fit your style, with three colors available.
View photo Gallery here>





Once the bottle is affixed to the dispenser, it dynamically compresses as water is consumed, preventing ambient air from entering. This means you can prevent exposure to air to keep the water fresh and high quality.



Both cold and hot water dispensers are affixed with a safety child lock, so it is safe and reassuring to use for households with children. Additionally, there is a removable tap cover which restricts the operations of both taps, preventing accidents when handled by young children.




Hot (about 87℃) ,cold (about 6℃) are immediately accessible. (There is an on-off switch for HOT water & COLD water at the back of dispenser. If warm water mode is desired instead, either of the button can be switched off to keep it that way to dispense lukewarm water instead).

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Premium Water dispensers are designed to fit easily into home and work spaces.

Height 1,326mm
Width 270mm
Depth 330mm
Weight 17.8kg
Bottle Capacity 12 liters

RENT Dispenser


$60$50 (+GST)

Water Dispenser rental FREE!



  • Free Delivery
  • Free Water Dispenser Rental
  • Free 1 set (2 bottles x 12L)
  • Special price of $50 (+GST) for every set (2 bottles x 12l)



  • Contract subscription of TWO years
  • Minimum subscription of 1 set (2 bottles x 12L) per month (user can order more water on demand as & when needed)
  • Refundable Deposit of $200 for dispenser
    (if terminated after 1 year, only $100 will be returned)

PURCHASE Dispenser


$290 (+GST)
One Time

It will be yours!



  • 1 year warranty on dispenser
  • Enjoy lower price of $50 (+GST) for every set (2 bottles x 12L)
  • Free 1 set (2 bottles x 12L)



  • No water subscription contract, order on demand!
    (however, for a start, autoship is required to be set)
FAQ on the deal

How do the price plans work?
There are 2 plans:

Plan A
– $0 rental for the dispenser
– min 24 mth contract (deposit $200)
– autoship min 2 bottles (2 x 12L) per month (per delivery)

Plan B
– Buy dispenser at $290 + GST
– no min contract (terminate when you wish to)
– autoship min 2 bottles (2 x 12L) per month (per delivery)

Are dispensers for Plan A (rental) reconditioned?
No, they are brand new dispensers and you may choose the desired colour.

Can I suspend water subscription?

Going on a business trip or holiday? Yes, sure, you can suspend water auto-ship for up to 59 days without charge.

If it goes beyond 59 days there will be corresponding fees/accumulated days.

Suspension within 59 days- free
Suspension within 60-89 days- S$10+GST
Suspension within 90-119- S$20+GST
Suspension within 120-149- S$30+GST
Suspension within 150-179- S$40+GST

Can I increase or decrease the auto ship? If so, how much notice do I need to provide?
Yes you can increase, but min is 2 bottles/mth/delivery. Simply login & make the changes there, preferably a week before.

How long does it take for dispenser to be delivered?
1 week or less.

Can I terminate the service any time I want?
Yes, you may. However, if you are on Plan A, the stated amount of deposit will be returned:

  Return of deposit
【Cancellation within 1 year】 $0
【Cancellation within 2 years】 $100
【Cancellation after 2 years】 $200

If you are on Plan B, you are free to terminate anytime and keep the machine which was bought. However, the machine is designed to use with our water bottles only.

Is there any Delivery charge?

What are the available modes of payment?
First order of dispenser & water – Credit /Debit Card only

Subsequent orders – Credit / Debit Card & PayNow
(Note that we do not accept cash payment currently)

(for corporate with restrictions in regards to payment, please kindly contact us for assistance)

FAQ on Amadana Water Dispenser

Is there any warranty on the water dispenser?
Yes, 1 year for outright purchase plan.
For rental plan, warranty applies during the whole duration of 2 years contract.

Can the dispenser be used with other brands of bottled water?
No. It is designed for our premium water only.

Is there safety lock for hot water? 
Yes.  There is safety button to be depressed for both hot and cold water.

Is there counter top water dispensers available?
No, we only have floor standing type.

What is needed for the set up of the water dispenser?
An electrical socket preferably within 1m is needed for the water dispenser.
The dispenser has a 3-pin socket & uses a standard voltage 220V/240V in Singapore.

How is the water dispenser set up?
After the dispenser is delivered, you may follow these 4 steps in this video to set up the dispenser:

How do I do the regular maintenance?
Please refer to these simple steps here >
FAQ on Mt Fuji Water

Where is Mt Fuji Premium water from?
The water is extracted from the Fuji Yoshida spring 

Why is taste of water of utmost importance?
Keeping hydrated is crucial to our daily health and well-being. However, many people don’t drink enough water because they don’t like the flavor of tap water—it may taste like chemicals or other unpleasant flavors due to the source, city pipes or tap faucets.

What is the difference between the bottled water in the market?
Natural water – Groundwater which does not contain many minerals.
Mineral water – Heat treated water, with minerals, re-introduced artificially.
Reverse Osmosis Water – Water not from an underground source, or groundwater which has been greatly modified.
Natural Mineral Water – Minerals occur naturally rather than being artificially added. Thanks to its non-heat water treatment, Premium Water’s natural minerals are retained.

How long can unopened bottle be kept?
6 months from manufacturing date, as per printed on box

How long can opened bottle be kept?
Best to be consumed within 1 month