Do I need it?

Can I drink direct water from the filter?

Yes. Before filtering, Singapore’s water is safe to drink straight from tap. However, with a water filter, you can enjoy better quality water and better tasting water since chlorine and other impurities are removed.

I boil my water before drinking. Do I still need a water filter?

Boiling tap water disinfect it also removes chlorine and volatile impurities. However, boiling does not remove other contaminants that are non-volatile (substances that can evaporate from boiling). It will not remove heavy metals and other toxins that are still left behind after boiling.

What contaminants can be removed with water filters?

Depending on the type of water filters, the impurities that could be removed & reduced from the water are sediment, rust, silt, chlorine taste and odor, microbiological cysts, organic matter such as Altrazine & Lindane, lead, traces of floride, Chloramines and Trihalomethanes & for some models, bacterial and viruses.

What else can I use the filtered tap water for?

You can use it to wash your dishes, cook your meals, wash food and fruits, wash your hands and face. Research has shown the many harmful effects of chlorinated water. The most direct way Chlorine makes way into our body is via intake. Skin absorption and inhalation of chlorine occurs when washing and showering.

About the water filtration systems

What is the difference between under sink and counter top water filters?

Under sink water filters generally require plumbing work when installing (some require a separate faucet from the main one, except SoPure), but keeps counter clutter free, especially when the filter is big and bulky. Counter top water filters are easy to install and does not require drilling on the counter for a separate faucet. They come with a spout attached to the filter.

Does the water filter affect the flow of the water?

Counter tops models come with a diverter attached to the mouth of faucet, when not filtered, water flows out from your existing main faucet and thus does not affect your water presure. Under sink models come with a auxillary faucet that will be drilled and installed separate from your main faucet and thus does not affect the water pressure and flow of your existing faucet too. (For SoPure water filter, there is no auxillary faucet and filtered water output is from your existing faucet but water will still flow at almost the same pressure as before. Our technician will check with you on the pressure to be set and seek your approval when doing installation.

What technology is your filter using?

Paragon Water filters are American designed and adopts American technology. For more information, refer to each relevant model. SoPure water filter is using the latest proven technique of filtration using ceremic-type calcium sulfite beads and copper-zinc filter.

Where are the water filters made from?

Depending on the models, most are made in USA and a few models made in China with imported media. SoPure water filter is made in Japan & Malaysia.

How long will the water filters last before I need to change the cartridge?

It depends on the model’s capacity. Usually it is about time to change when the capacity is reached or when the water flow becomes too slow. For some models, cartridges last 6 months to a year and some last for many more years. Please refer to information on individual model. See the System comparison here. Not all models have replaceable cartridges. Maintenance Free models are use-and-throw.

Does it work if I have hot water mixer faucet at my sink?

For Under sink models, The filter is connected to the cold water only. Warm water is not filtered. As for counter top models, acceptable temperature range is up to 38 degree celcius.

If I go away for a trip, will the water be stale when I come back?

No, water is processed on a on-demand basis. The system does not process the water in batch and keep it. However, if tap is not turned on for 3 days, just on the faucet and let water run for a few minutes to flush before use.

How do I know the filter works?

There are many kinds of test kits available in the market to test drinking water. A simple and common Chlorine test can be done – OTO (Orthotolidine) Test. Fill a test tube of water from the tap that is not filtered, and another tube from filtered water. Drop a few drops of OTO solution in the test tubes. OTO will turn yellow when added to chlorinated water. The darker it turns, the more chlorine is in the water. If the chlorine level is really high, then the sample will turn brown. Being certified by NSF, a trusted independent consumer protection organization, consumers can be assured of the standards and that the claims are verified. (Please note that SoPure models are not NSF certified.)

Installation & Maintenance

Which are the products that require plumbing installation and which products do not?

Under sink water filters require plumbing installation. You can choose to do self-installation if you can. Counter top water filtration systems and shower filters and easy to install and require no or minimum tools.

How much does standard plumbing installation cost? Can I get my own plumber to do the job?

$80. Yes, you can get your own plumber or contractor to install it, standard required parts and instruction are in the package.

For self installations, will manual, parts & tools be provided?

Yes, every Paragon product comes with an instruction manual and cartridge change instruction (where applicable). For counter tops, there is no tool required and all parts come on package. You can easily install in minutes! We recommend that under sinks be installed by our plumber or you could engage one.

Can the filter system be un-installed & then re-installed when I move house?

Yes, it can be un-installed & re-installed. It is easy to do so for the counter top models and shower filters. But if they are under sink models and you require our service to install again at new venue, please note that usual plumbing installation cost applies (usually S$80).

What is the cost of cartridge change?

It depends on the models. Some require only one cartridge change while others may require 2 or 3 cartridges. Cartridges range from $34 to $152. Please refer to individual models to see details.

Can I use the same main faucet without having to have a separate one?

Only SoPure water filter uses same main faucet that you currently is using.

Is there any EXTRA charge for installation?

Installation is chargeable at $80. However, there is usually no extra charge for installation as the plumbing installation includes the service and standard materials. However, in cases where non-standard installation needs to be done and extra materials are needed, we will advise before installation.

Impurities in tap water

What is Chlorination?

Chlorination is the process of adding the element chlorine to water as a method of water treatment to make it safe from illness producing bacteria, viruses and parasites. Chlorine, in various forms, is the most widely used chemical for water treatment, being both economical and highly effective for bacteria and algae control. Water which has been treated with chlorine is effective in preventing the spread of waterborne disease. Chlorine disinfection technology has almost completely eliminated from our lives the risks of waterborne diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, and dysentery.

What is Chloramines and Trihalomethanes?

Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM) are a byproduct of chlorinating water that contains natural organics. These organics derived from decaying plant materials. According to John Capece, Ph.D.,a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency survey discovered that trihalomethanes are present in virtually all chlorinated water supplies. Chloramines are the result of ammoniating chlorine applied to drinking water to reduce production of trihalomethanes. Chloramine exists as three different forms or species: monochloramine (NH2Cl), dichloramine (NHCl2) and trichloramine (NCl3). They are chemically related and are easily converted into each other; thus, they are more appropriately called chloramines.The three species of chloramine constantly and rapidly shift from one form to another. The species that predominates is dependent on pH, temperature, turbulence, and the chlorine to ammonia ratio.

Does the water filters remove flouride?

Traces of flouride might be removed but the water filters are not designed to remove fluoride. Some fluoride is naturally present in tap water, whilst some water companies add fluoride to the water. If you are concerned about the presence of fluoride in your tap water, you should check with your water supplier. In Singapore, flouride is added to the water.

What are the possible health risks from the byproducts (Trihalomethanes and Chloramines) of the disinfection process?

Chloramines are all respiratory irritants with trichloramine being the most toxic (order of toxicity: monochloramine < dichloramine < trichloramine-most severe.) Persons with liver or kidney disease and those with hereditary urea cycle disorders are at increased risk for ammonia toxicity from the consumption of chloraminated water. Chloramine vapors and its disinfection byproducts can accumulate in indoor air and concentrate in an enclosed area such as a shower stall, small bathroom, kitchen, or apartment. Chloraminated vapor from showers, baths, hot tubs, dishwashers, and other household appliances contains volatilized chemicals that can be inhaled and cause irritation to the respiratory tract. The toxic exposure to chemicals (like chloramine) in water is greater from taking a shower than from drinking the same water. Chloramine does not dissipate easily compared to chlorine. Chloramine stays in the water distribution system longer than chlorine. Chloramine is difficult to remove. Chloramine cannot be removed by boiling, distilling, or by standing uncovered. Both trihalomethanes and chloramines are possible causes of cancer and heart disease and therefore considered carcinogens.