Water purification systems for healthy water

Very few of us live in places where water comes out of the ground perfectly clean and is containing only beneficial minerals. Our rivers are dirty, our wells are polluted and drinking water is increasingly becoming a rare and precious commodity. While many developed countries provide their citizens with centrally processed and purified water, the level of purification is basic and such water often contains harmful chemicals. To ensure that their families are drinking only perfectly clean and healthy water, many people are resorting to installing water filters in their homes.

Central or tap filters

There are many types of water purification systems. An increasing number of people prefer water purification which happens at the point where water enters the house. Such purification ensures that all sources of water are filtered, including showers. Such water purification systems can be costly. More affordable filters are attached to the faucet, where water passes through a filter before being used by your family.

There are also many types of tabletop water purification systems, containers which have some kind of filter, often charcoal, installed within the container. Water passes through the filter before filling the container, ready to drink.

The quality of water purification and types of filters

Affordable water purification filters are never promising to eliminate all potentially harmful elements from the water. Filters usually contain a type of filter which prevents passage of harmful particles such as rust and calcium carbonate, heavy metals, certain toxic minerals and pathogen bacteria. The quality of water filtration depends on the size of holes in the filter. The holes have to be big enough to allow water to pass, but small enough to stop all harmful materials. The smaller the holes in the filter, the better filtration and cleaner the water.

Reverse osmosis water purification systems

Reverse osmosis water purification systems are quickly becoming a standard in household water purification. In many developing countries, where the tap water is not processed at all, people purchase bottled water which is filtered through reverse osmosis systems.

There are many types of reverse osmosis filters, some basic and others with added levels of filtration such as electrical charges or ultraviolet rays. The quality of water filtered by reverse osmosis directly depends on the quality of filter membranes. Membranes deteriorate pretty fast, especially if exposed to particularly bad water, and have to be replaced frequently. Some reverse osmosis filters can be automatically flushed, what significantly extends their life.

Ultraviolet and Ionizing filters

Ultraviolet filters are based on the power of ultraviolet rays to sterilize unclean water. These filters are one of the latest water purification technologies, but the system has been used by poor people for centuries. They used to leave trays of water on the roofs of their houses, to be purified by sun. Unfortunately, air today is far too dirty for this method to be of any use. We now need technology to use the power of the sun to filter water.

Another fairly new water purification technology is water ionizing filter. This filter uses carbon that is activated by silver to clean drinking water.

The cost of water purification systems is easily justified and quickly recouped. Water-born bacteria and other harmful particles can cause serious health hazards, incurring very high medical bill. By installing water purification system in our home, we ensure that our entire family is protected and is drinking only perfectly clean water.